Wonder Woman Meets Super Mom
Growing up, I used to love Wonder Woman. Beautiful, strong, and with an infallible moral compass, I admired her unwavering dedication to truth and justice. I also really liked the way she looks. I mean, the woman is seriously sexy and at the same time serio...
Black Friday or Black Thursday: Should People be Shopping on Thanksgiving?
Black Friday has been a long-standing tradition in America. One, that in the last several years has started earlier and earlier. Interestingly, this topic has received a great deal of media attention. To shop or not to shop on Thanksgiving. That is the que...
Wait...Don't Go!
So it's Christmas. This is a day to be with family. It seems fitting that I write about a very special member of my family. My oldest son, Brian. As a little girl, I always knew that one day, I’d grow up, get married and have children. What I didn’t know wa...